Spots, blemishes, blackheads. Ugh. There's nothing worse than waking up in the morning and realising that you look like a 14-year-old pubescent kid with a crater-face (slight exaggeration maybe?) but up until this week, that was my life.
Bad diet, excessive alcohol, late nights, lack of skincare routine, slathered in fake tan gah! No wonder my skin hated me, Nevertheless, I knew that I could pull it back and use my go-to routine to fix it and luckily, it has saved me again and so today, I wanted to share with you my top products for banishing the blemishes for good.
First up, I'll take off my makeup using my favourite cleanser; the Philosophy Purity cleanser £17.50. I just use a penny-sized amount, massaged in to my skin for 30-60 seconds and rinse off using a flannel. Then I'll go ahead and use this Nip and Fab Glycolic Fix Cleanser £7.95, first massaging in again with my fingers and then I'll go ahead and use this electric face brush (I got this from an international seller on eBay for about £5!) on high speed in small upward-circular strokes, massaging for about a minute or so, then I'll rinse it off using my flannel again.
Once I've patted my face dry, I go over my problem areas using both the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Stress Control Cleansing Lotion and the Garnier Pure Active Spot Purifying Toner on a cotton pad. Generally, this is my nose, chin and either side of the chin and occasionally my forehead.
After this, I'll pop the Origins Super Spot Remover on top of any big spots that I have and use the Clean and Clear Advantage Spot Treatment on any smaller spots and leave to dry. I do this morning and evening and by the end of the week, my skin is back to being as clear as ever!
How do you control your spots?