So it's been a little while since I last even visited my blog, let alone wrote a post & for that, I am sorry. I had such a busy time at the end of last year; travelling, health issues, family time and of course, Christmas.
I came back on this morning and felt like my blog was in need of some sprucing up. It's something that got a little left behind last year and I didn't feel as though it was a part of me anymore and so that's why the name has been changed and a couple of little aspects have been tweaked.
Blogging is definitely something that makes me happy and something that I definitely want to pay more attention to this year and so I figured that this is a good start.
In this post, I also want to address what I achieved from last year's list of resolutions.You can find last year's post here.
From the list, there weren't that many things that I achieved, however I had set other goals to achieve and had other things that I wanted to do (e.g. watch a Panthers game), so I'm not too fussed with my lack of achievements. I did, however, get to travel to 4 different countries- one country I travelled to twice (Dublin) and two of the countries were places that I've never been before (Amsterdam and Berlin). I also went to Brighton for the weekend for a friend's birthday which was actually one of my resolutions for last year, so I'm so happy that I fulfilled that too.
I also tried to learn new skills. Just little things such as baking brownies, cakes, pastries etc, trying new makeup techniques and giving DIY home decor a go. There's nothing major that I feel I adopted, however I'm pretty happy that I gave it a shot.
The last thing from the list that I'd say that I at least attempted was to use up products that I've already got and to stop wasting money on buying new things. I definitely have used up a lot of the products that I had, but there is still such a long way to go. I genuinely think that my stash will last me until I'm about 30! I will definitely continue this resolution onwards into 2016.
Read my next post to find out what resolutions I'll be proposing for this coming year!