Monday, 8 February 2016

January catch-up

// polaroids from NYE / house party/ Alfie selfies //

// traffic selfie / town selfie / snapchat filter //

// pretty decor / no-brow problems / little Alfie's broken leg //

// night out / snapchat filter / trying out BooTea //

I had an absolute brilliant January (didn't quite stick to my resolutions of 1. no drinking and 2. more blogging, however I did stick to a diet (kind of) and I resisted wasted money on unnecessary purchases so I'd say that it was pretty successful!

February is generally a busy month for me; it's my mum's, my sister's, my nanna's and my cousin's birthday (AND MOST IMPORTANTLY MY BIRTHDAY), it's Valentine's day, Pancake day and I'm going away on holiday, so there are lots of things to keep me busy and I'm SO excited for what's in store.

Follow me on Instagram (@jessiestarbuck) and Snapchat (jessicastarbuck) to see everything that I get up to!