images taken from Pinterest
We made it to the weekend. Phew!
So this weekend's post may be slightly controversial and possibly won't be to everyone's taste, but this is what I'm up to this weekend and I thought that it would be nice to share it with you all.
There may be some of you lucky little ducklings out there reading this that are 100% happy with your body and your fitness level, but for the girls out there that are at a constant battle with weight/fitness and food habits, it can be somewhat torture to overcome.
Admittedly, the girls that are featured above are not what everyone considers to be perfect and in no way will I ever get that kind of body, it's just something to aspire to.
Body weight and shape shouldn't be the be all and end all of your confidence. For me, as long as I am healthy and can walk up a hill and not get out of breath, then I'll be happy.
This being said, for a long time now, I've been at my least fit state and it's gotten to a point where I put off doing certain things or going to places and so last month, I vowed to myself that I would get fitter and make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle and so far, it's going surprisingly well!
I've started running using an app called Couch to 5k which, using interval training, builds up your stamina over 9 weeks, leaving you able to run 5k straight. I'm still on week 1 and so I don't really have much to comment on so far, but I'll keep you updated on my journey.
I have also been making the effort to get my ass back into the gym every night after work. With the running and the gym, this should hopefully help to shift a couple of pounds.
And it's not just the exercise that I've been working on, I've also cut out alcohol to take my body through a detox, I've started following Slimming World and also take my daily vitamins (something that I have always tried to do, but forgotten about). I also make sure that I get the full 8 hours sleep and try to get up at the same time every day (without snoozing may I add) and this has made me feel 100% better within myself.
I'm not sure how long I'll last on this newly-found health kick, but hopefully it'll stick and become the norm. Watch this space for my updates on the running- why don't you give it a go too!