A little bit of a different post today - more of a home decor post, I guess. This year, I'm really, really happy with my Christmas tree & I've had a few messages on Instagram of people asking where different bits are from, so figured that it's good timing to pop all the information into a post.
So the tree itself was actually from Asda back in November, however they've now stopped stocking it - they may still have them in store but it's definitely disappeared from their website. It's the 6ft Snowy Pine Tree and it was the brilliantly affordable price of £35. Yep, just £35! I had my eye on it for a little while before I purchased it, however it went out of stock as quickly as it came back in.
It was complete fluke that I ended up getting one - I'd nipped in to my local Asda to grab some new jeans & thought I'd take a peek at the Christmas isle & there it was, just the one left on the shelf. Some call it good timing, I'll call it fate haha.
(above images)
Warm white lights - Tesco
White iridescent tinsel - Primark
White feather boa - eBay
Rose gold beaded rope - The Range (last year)
Mini silver & clear baubles - B&M
Clip-on flowers (large pink & small white) - The Range (last year)
Beaded hanging heart decoration - Next
(above images) Mini crackers - B&M
Hanging deer decorations - Tesco
Pink glitter bauble - vintage
(above images)
Feather bauble - Wilko
Feather bauble - Wilko
Pink reindeer x2 - The Range
Hanging cage decoration - Ikea
All wrapping paper - Wilko
I hope you all like the way that I decorated my tree this year. Are any of your trees similar to mine?