Saturday, 26 January 2019
2019: My top 3 NY Resolutions
Hello my loves.
Very cliche post coming up unfortunately. But yes, it's New Year's resolutions time!
I really like to have a solid set of goals & then check in with them every couple of months to see if I've actually stuck to them or what I need to work on.
This year, I tried to keep them very achievable. I don't need to tell you that most people give up on their resolutions come Blue Monday (around the 3rd Monday in Jan), so it's important that you keep your goals reasonable & attainable.
Read on to see how I'm trying to change my habits this year.
Yawn, the obligatory weight loss goal. Last year, I think my resolution was to lose 10% of my body weight and I definitely succeeded with this one.... until Summer..... when I remembered that:
I am a nightmare when it comes to socialising - I can't say no to anything! Always up for a bloody good time. And diets don't go well with this flaw!
However this year, my NY resolution is to not feel the need to drink all the time (sidenote, I definitely am not sat here with a glass of wine. It's actually my 2nd glass of wine. On a Tuesday evening.... going well, huh?), BUT I actually realised at the end of last year that I can actually go out, not drink so much, still have a good time AND be without a hangover the morning after. This being said, I'm still a prosecco, Aperol spritz, beer, Asti, port - loving kinda gal, but it's all about the balance, right?
Not just drink, but also food. I've committed to having my 5-a-day when I can and to be more conscious of when I have treats. Do I want Dominos 3 times a week? Yes. Do I need Dominos 3 times a week? Absolutely not. It's definitely going to be trickier than I think, but I'm open to new recipes. I've discovered Deliciously Ella Energy Balls for breakfast & they are delicious - definitely recommend.
So I wanted to do this last year, but you know how it is...
I have a few things on the list and I've officially smashed month one. I went ice skating and I absolutely loved it and subsequently have decided that I'm having lessons for my birthday, so that's a positive. My aim is that by the end of the year, I'll have found something that I hopefully love and something that will help me get a little more active.
Some of the activities on my list are things like indoor skiing, Go Ape, horse riding, an Escape room, trampolining and a water park. I need more ideas, but they will get me started, for sure.
I'm also adding an extra challenge of also trying one new class a month at the gym too - also going well so far by trying Yoga earlier this month.
I know this is super obvious & most people do this on the daily, but I am a sucker for wearing the same 3 pairs of shoes, earrings and jeans forever. I also have about 1273681 shampoos, conditioners, treatments, fake tans, foundations, moisturisers, serums etc that need using up before going out of date. I'm a bugger for repurchasing things that I absolutely do. not. need. instead of using up the things that I already have and so that's why, this year, my resolution is to start using up as much as I can, utilising old items of clothing more and then throwing things away that I definitely don't want to use or wear again.
The next Marie Kondo I hear you say.
How are you getting on with your resolutions this year so far?